Thursday, August 27, 2009

Kindergarten & First Steps

Well, as of today, our family has survived 4 full days of Kindergarten! It has been emotional for me, but luckily I was able to hold in the tears on days #1 had me bawling from the moment my back turned from the little miniature table my baby girl was sitting at with her name on her 'spot'.
To everyone else, she just looks like any other little 5 year old sitting there, but to me-I see my little 5 lb. angel baby girl who has needed her mommy and spent the entire 24 hours of the day with me for the past 5 years (and 9 pregnant months) of my life! I have a very big & soft place in my heart for my little girl and milestones like these really get to me!
Not that I am not proud of the sweet big girl that she has become or want to hold her back from the learning and simple life experiences she will learn at's just hard to let go and know that my days of having her home with mommy all day long are over, and from this week on I am now forced to hand her over to another person for 7 hours of every school day.

The great thing about the last 4 days has been how much Mackenzie absolutely loves school! She loves her teacher, the school, her classroom, her classmates, her water bottle, the books that are read, the fact that "computer lab" starts on Friday, the playground, and her Hannah Montana backpack. (I tried to convince her of other ones, but I pick my battles on these types of things and she got to get whatever backpack her little heart desired!)
She is going to be an excellent student and I get more and more excited as I see her little papers at the end of each day! I am trying to let these fun moments make the sad mommy feelings slowly fade, and it has been working quite well for me. It has turned out to be a great week and I can only hope she is this excited when Junior High starts!
Here she is ready for her first day with her backpack.. (Don't mind the begging pets.. if there is not a kid asking me to feed them or get them a drink, there is an animal!)
Apples everywhere..
Spencer with his card he made for Mackenzie. He said several times on the first day, "I miss my sissy, mommy." I have been extra-loving on him this week because I understand that just as I feel like my baby is gone all day, I know his best friend and playmate is gone all of a sudden, too. It is an adjustment we will all have to get used to...

Here she is at her table..

A great first day!

As if all of this school excitement wasn't enough news...tonight Baby Holden started walking!!
Mackenzie and Spencer both took their first steps and walked on their first birthdays...then tonight while we were celebrating my step-dads birthday, he just took off! It is 9 days until his first birthday! He took a few steps, we were all shocked so we would stand him back up and he would take off again. He did about 15 steps without falling!
This was him after all of his walking..he was so proud of himself and was trying to say "Cheese" for the camera. He learns so much just from watching Mackenzie and Spencer all day!
I know that I will adjust to this new 'school' chapter in our lives as parents, and eventually might even start to like it!
When Holden took his first steps tonight, it hit me that time is going to keep marching on...and it is not going to stop and wait on me if I am not ready!

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