Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I'm no 'supermom'

Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ. 1 Corinthians 11:1

It is funny when you realize that your children are watching and listening to everything you do and say. I've seen Mackenzie repeat something she has heard me say while she is pretend talking into a phone or playing store..or more recently I have heard her speak up after talking about a current situation that we are dealing with that I had no idea she was listening to.

I am going to try to remember that my children are watching me today and every day.
I need to say please, thank you, treat friends, family, and strangers with respect, and most challenging for me is to try to remember that my daughter needs to see her mother have good self-esteem. I need to not compare myself to others or wonder what they think of me.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Fun to be ONE!

I have been slacking on my blog lately..sorry to anyone out there who may be checking on it and hoping for a new post! ((I know you lurking readers are out there!...right?))
This Friday, the 5th, was my baby Holden's first birthday. It is so hard to believe that it has been a year since he was born! I can remember the day so vividly...even down to the scrubs the nurses were wearing! But, according to the calendar, it has been a year so we celebrated!
I'm not sure why but we had a cowboy/western party for him..we are not a cowboy/western type of family at all, I just thought the decorations were cute and this first birthday is pretty much the last one that the parents have the ability to pick any random theme they feel like for the party. Starting with the second birthday, it has been my experience that the child will have a character in mind and pretty much demand what their party and cake be!

Here is the Cowboy Boots cake I made..

Holden is looking at his own little cake wondering if we were honestly going to give it to him!

He loved all his presents! During all of the fun I didn't even take a picture of his present table, which is a good thing because you would feel sorry for this little guy for only getting 50 presents on his first birthday...he and his siblings have no toys and aren't spoiled at all!
This is Holden's new thing he has started (I need a video) but when you get the camera out he looks at it and says "Cheeeesseee" is so very cute! It is one of the many things he has watched and learned from Mackenzie.
He had a blast digging in!!

Our family felt complete to me for the first time after Holden was born a year ago, and this last year has been great! I thank God for my 3 angels....the third 1st birthday party was just as exciting and fun as the first(& second)!