Sunday, November 8, 2009

Hello, my name is "Moommmyyyy"!

Hannah Montana



I have been neglecting my poor blog lately! I am pretty sure that I only have 2 or 3 readers, and those people probably see me on a daily basis anyways....but on the off chance there are a few more of you out there who have been checking daily waiting on me to post, I do apologize!
I have been cleaning, doing laundry, organizing winter and summer clothes, playing with the kiddos and all the rest of that fun stuff that us stay-at-home moms do all day.
I heard this on a t.v. program at the start of this week and it tugged on my heartstrings all week and has really changed the way I think about some of the things that moms (esp. those of us with more than 1 or 2) take for granted throughout the day...the person that I heard said something like this, "If only moms listened and cared about what their child was saying to them as if it were the first time they heard "mama""
And, I am sorry, but that is so true! You try for months to get your babies to say "Mama", then when they do you can't get enough of it. But, fast-forward 4 or 5 years, and you add two more babies to your group and all throughout the day you hear "Mama, mommy, MOM, mama, MOMMYYY, mom, mommy, mama!..." you can easily get tired of hearing it and sometimes don't even wait to hear what they were fixing to say next before you tell them to be quiet, stop whining, etc.
So, I have tried to remember when Mackenzie & Spencer both first said "mama" and how excited and proud I was and try to not cringe when I hear it coming from the other room for the 205th time that day! Ha!
Besides, there will come a day when Mackenzie won't want me to read her five books before she goes to sleep. And, there will come a day when she won't want me to color with her. There will come a day when she won't need me to read to her what color she is supposed to use on her color by numbers. There will come a day when she won't want to come to our bed at 4 a.m. to sleep until morning. There will come a day when she won't need me to get her ready for school. There will come a day when she won't want me to walk her to class.
That will be a sad day!!
I love my 3 kids.
I love my husband, I love my family... I love life!
Tomorrow when you hear "Mooommmmmm!!", I challenge you to pretend like it is the first time you were called that and pay attention the way you would have then. Mom is my favorite name!

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